1st place in Europe for Greece and the 4th General Lyceum of Larissa in the European Money Quiz (EMQ) of the European Banking Federation (EBF)
The students Anestis Tomi and Pantelis Chemelidis of the 1st grade of our high school, having first won the 1st place in the National Money knowledge competition of the Hellenic Banking Association (EET) last March, succeeded and won the 1st place in the European Competition knowledge of EMQ money among the champions of 27 other countries and a total number of participants that exceeded 37,500.
The European EMQ competition, which aims to improve the financial literacy of students aged 13-15, was held in Brussels on May 16 after the students together with their accompanying teachers mr. Gerovasilis Angeliki and Domanoglou Kyriaki, who encouraged and prepared them for the competition, and the representatives of EET, Dr. Ziakou Sofia and Mr. Perifanos Angelos, first followed an intense program of activities with a visit to the European Parliament, the Parlamentarium, the Wikifin Lab, the opening ceremony of the European Stock Exchange and the Museum of European History.
The 1st place is of particular importance if we consider that it is the first time that Greek champions are students of a public school and at the same time the first time that Greece wins in the European Competition.
The 1st place prize in the National competition was a computer for the school. The costs of the trip to Brussels were fully covered by the Hellenic Bankers' Association, which organized the competition and supported the Greek team throughout its preparation. The prize for winning 1st place in the European EMQ Competition is 3,000 euros allocated for the needs of the school.
Press release for your students' victory.
Congratulations once again to your students and to you for supporting them and pushing them to take part in extra-curricular activities.
In addition, I am including some links that republished our Press Release.
local mass media:
Congratulations to our students!
Congratulations to the teachers who encouraged and guided them in the preparation stage.
We thank the Hellenic Bank Association for the opportunity it gave to our students.
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